Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Why women should have life insurance

In the past, man commonly is the sole provider for the family, and if he dies, his family will be deprived of an income. To provide for this eventuality, it is common for a man to buy a life insurance so that should something untowards happens to him, an amount of money equal to the sum insured will be paid to the family so that they can continue to pay for the mortgages, educate the children, and in general, continue to have the same standard of life.

Now, with the liberation of women, it is common for both to be working and providing for the family. It is wise for a woman to also purchase a life insurance to protect the family. However, shopping around for a suitable insurance can be a hassle. Advantage One Insurance can make this task much easier with accurate quotes you can get online from many insurance companies to compare.

The simplest life insurance policy you can purchase is a term life insurance, which is pure insurance just like a car insurance. You purchase a term life insurance for a fixed term (number of years), and you normally pay the premium yearly. If nothing happens, you don't get anything back, but it is also the policy with the lowest premium. In my opinion, if protection is what you want, term life insurance is the policy to go for.

Life insurance companies, however, have found that getting people to pay for a term life insurance and not getting anything back in return if nothing happens during the agreed term can be difficult. So they have introduced a saving element into life insurance policy and created insurance like Return of Premium Life Insurance where you pay a higher premium, but you get back the premium you paid over the years if you survive the term.

There may also be special circumstances to be taken into consideration. For example, you purchase a house with the help of a mortgage. This means that every month, you have to repay a certain sum of money back to the bank providing the mortage. It also means that as time goes by, the amount owed to the bank is reduced. Now you may want the burden of having to take care of the monthly repayment to be taken off the shoulder of those you leave behind by purchasing a Mortgage or Reducing Term Insurance which will pay the amount outstanding to the bank in the event of your death, and your family would not have to worry about paying the monthly repayments. There are many other types of insurance like Wholelife Insurance, Diabetes Life Insurance (if you have diabetes), etc.

If you want to just find out more information about life insurance rather than getting quotes, Advantage One Insurance have also prepared pages for your perusal. For example, you can find out more about the Types of Insurance, guidelines on what to consider when buying life insurance online, comparison between Whole versus term life insurance, etc.

To find out more, to get information and online quotes on various types of insurance, the best is if you surf over to Advantage One Insurance and find out for yourself.

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